Thursday, 25 June 2015

A little bit about me....

Hello everyone!
I'm Rudy, affectionately known as Ru, Rude, Roodles, Rudester and Stew, (type in Rudy and let you phone auto correct it...stew!). I'm a Guide leader, Murphy and Tias Human (my dogs), Wife, attempted home grower of fruit and veg, baker, sewer, cardmaker, and the boring day job is in ICT support!

I have always been a crafty person, into anything that involved cutting and sticking and I think that comes from my many many years in Girl Guiding. These days my crafting has it's own room, main benefit of being DINKY's (Dual income no kids yet) and many gadgets to help me along the way.

This blog is my intention to show how I have improved with the wonderful Christmas gift from my Husband of a sewing machine! I will try and write out things I have learnt after much internet trawling and trial and error so that you won't have to do the same. I'll probably through in some guiding fun along to way for add excitement!

I am very much a beginner so any tips and tricks are very much appreciated if you feel you can help me. 

Thanks all for reading and let the blogging commence!
Follow me on Instagram if you want to see what i'm up to!