I appear to have fallen off the blogging waggon! But back to the new year with a bang and the first item off my #makenine2018!
Introducing the Jennifer Lauren Handmade Mayberry dress
(Pattern link) This dress looks scary complicated with the off set buttons etc but it's really not!

My sizes were super confusing between sizes, so I opted to make a size 20, with an D cub bodice. I'm normally and E cup and 18/20 in rtw (especially if my bums needs to fit in!) but I didn't make any changes to the sizing and made a straight 20 partly through laziness and partly through interest to make the pattern as it comes. I Made mine with super lightweight Viscose that I've had in my stash for a while. It was from
ohsewcrafty and it's only £4 pm at the moment!
I accidently cut my pattern pieces for the front the wrong way around, so if you are making it make sure you remember your fabric is right side down, and the pattern piece is facing up looking a you. It doesn't matter really if you forget though, it just means your buttons are on the opposite side. Make sure you do your facing pieces the same way as the pattern piece though which ever way you decide.
I love the drawstring waist on the dress allowing for larger lunches if required, it also mean the top is lovely and floaty perfect for larger buster women like me. Also normally I worry about long sleeves in women fabrics as my arms are a little larger than patterns normally allow but I didn't make any changes to this and they don't feel or look tight and uncomfortable. I think this is due to the lovely floaty design of the bodice and sleeves.

Talking about sleeves I did make a slight edit. The instructions say may slight gathers on the sleeves to fit the cuff in which gives the billowy look. I'm not good at freestyle gathers, so I cut two pieces of elastic the same length of the cuff pieces and stretched it around the bottom of the sleeves sewing it on with a zig zag. This meant when I let go of the stretch it was all beautifully gathered and the right size for the cuff to be attached. I then just overlockered the cuff on top of the elastic and sleeve all together. This bit may be easier to do before you sew up the side seams on your sleeves so remember to do that first if you are going to.

I made small button holes for the drawstring to go through my I think in my next one I will purchase an eyelet set as I think it will finish it off lovely.

I used beautiful big statement buttons on my dress and I think the lovely neckline and buttons deserve drawing your attention to! My fabric had ever so slight gold flecks in so I went all out with gold shiny buttons!
So all in all, I really like this pattern! I've become a bit of a lazy seamstress since Christmas so the amount of pieces I had to cut out scared my bit actually they all come together really quite easily and quickly.
Now for the next on my make nine list! Also, the pup's really likes it too :)